University Visit / 学校参观
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The Academy of Artificial Intelligence (AOA) was founded in September 2023 as the pioneering and comprehensive frontiers of innovation institute at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (referred to as “XJTLU”). It integrates AI chips, deep learning frameworks, algorithm models, and practical application scenarios, and is jointly established by the Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee, XJTLU, and Baidu Group. The AOA aims to cultivate highly skilled and knowledgeable AI professionals with a guiding ideology of “education-oriented, industry-focused, and integration of production and education.” Its goal is to leverage the power of AI to make a positive impact on education, scientific research, industry, and society.
As a research and practice-oriented academy, we are dedicated to building an AI learning platform for talents from various fields, ranging from fundamental knowledge delivery to advanced application development. We aim to promote cross-disciplinary integration and drive technological advancements, taking a pivotal role in domestic and international industry-academia partnerships. |
XJTLU Library ( offers various e-resources accessible online via the Library website. The website also integrates many valuable tools, including DISCOVER and LibGuides, to help you better harvest academic resources.
西浦图书馆提供了丰富的电子资源,可通过图书馆网站进行访问。同时,还可在图书馆网站 ( 上使用包括发现系统与学科导航等在内便捷的工具,以便快速获取学术资源。 |
The Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Museum (“the Museum”) is located on the first floor of the Central Building, adjacent to the Circular Meeting Room. It was designed by the students and faculties at the University. Officially opened in October 2014, the Museum covers a total of 400 square meters. It is designed to showcase XJTLU’s innovative approach to higher education development and employs state of the art, multimedia technology in order to provide an immersive and engaging experience to our visitors. The XJTLU Museum is not a specific, singular museum space but an integration of campus culture with the museum exhibitions through the “Museum +” model where faculty, students, and community collaborate based on the concept of “the whole campus is a museum”. 西交利物浦大学博物馆位于中心楼1楼,与圆形会议室毗邻,是西浦学生和老师集体参与设计的成果。本馆于2014年10月正式开馆,全馆面积400平米。馆内通过声、光、电等现代化科技手段,采用图文说明、模型陈列、多媒体演示、影视互动等全景表现形式,以世界高等教育发展脉络为背景,集中展示西交利物浦大学在其发展历程中对于高等教育新模式的卓越探索、成功实践和丰硕成果,推动社会各界对于西浦特色化办学的深入理解和鼎力支持,促进对于学校高等教育国际化发展的思考,并在此基础上形成良好的交流探讨和互动提升。 西浦博物馆不是特定的、单一的博物馆空间,而是围绕“整个校园都是博物馆”的创新理念,通过“博物馆+”的工作模式,与师生、院系部门、社区等积极开展联系合作,让更多的特色精髓融入西浦博物馆,让校园遍布西浦文化精神。 |